

Cybersecurity Habits and Techniques for Remote Workers 

Remote working during the pandemic started a new culture of unmonitored devices being used to access work systems. It left many corporate sectors, online merchants and traders, and even the health sector exposed to hackers. Such security concerns become seriously threatening when employees are neither aware nor interested in learning...

How to Improve the UX of your Website for Maximum Conversions

If done well,UX (user experience) often isn’t noticed on your website. It works seamlessly and moves visitors between web elements as well as gives your website clarity and encourages conversions. But if this is not done properly then it can make your users frustrated and confused and your business will...

How to Create a Social Media Portfolio That Converts?

  Times have changed. A social media portfolio in today’s time is invaluable yet challenging to build. Making a traditional portfolio for a graphic designer and photographer is much easier than making one for a social media manager since it’s difficult to appropriately display graphics and images.  You want to...

Five Ways To Speed Up Your Internet Connection

When the 5G era arrives, the internet will get faster for everybody. Unfortunately, the 5G era isn't really here yet. The technology exists, and a few masts have been installed, but most places in the world are a few years away from being able to take advantage of the incredible...

5 Ways You Can Guard Against A Ransomware Attack

Ten years ago, the biggest internet-related fear of almost every business or individual online was the risk of hacking. It probably still is today. Back then, though, hackers were likely to access your computer through compromised software, usually caused by a virus. We were all told never to click on...

3 Best Practices for Technical Authoring

Written instructions in form of technical documents are diligently followed by workers who aim to perform a given task with efficiency and consistency. These documents in turn form the instruction medium for the task to get performed correctly and what added materials are to be required to effectively conduct the...

The 7 Qualities of a Great Developer!

What makes a great developer? Is it the programming languages or frameworks they specialize in? Or is it the algorithms and tools they use? Technical sufficiency and specialization are absolutely necessary, but it’s the way a developer builds on their technical skills that sets them apart. What makes a developer...

Jobs You Can Get With Cisco Certification

As soon as a person obtained a cert of Cisco, they would get prepared to take more responsibilities in the networking role or get specialization. Once you are out in a field to search for a job, some special job titles are linked with dedicated Cisco examinations. It is a...
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